From philosophy to practice, re-Engineered is an experiment in an interdisciplinary engineering profession that embeds peace, social justice, and ecological holism at the very heart of technical design and decision-making. To change engineering requires weaving into our process the skills and wisdom of the social sciences and design thinking. Our work and educational imperative is to have every engineer answer three questions about themselves and their profession: Why are we engineers? For whose benefit do we work? What is the full measure of our moral and social responsibility?
The world we live in has in no small part been created by engineers, and engineers will continue to dictate the design and development of technologies that shape human relationship to the Earth. But even with increasing technological sophistication and evermore resources being used by the government, industry, and academia to design newer and newer technologies, fundamental social challenges around hunger, injustice, poverty, and environmental degradation abound, even in the US. Thus, to infuse the engineer with ideals of justice, with practical tools to understand the impact of their work on people and the Earth, and with the ability to work intimately with those who have different kinds of knowledge, is to change the world.
Values and Commitments

Listening before engaging
Collaboration not atomization
Always asking, Who and what are being left out of our consideration?
Reflexivity and praxis